Thursday, June 11, 2009


I am thinking about doing the research for my class on vocabulary instruction.  I hope to develop a year long plan for teaching and assessing vocabulary.  If you have any suggestions for me, please send them my way.  I would like to share my thoughts with both of you and maybe it will turn into something we can use across the Sophomore year??


This looks great!  I am all in for these projects.  I had my students two years ago do a research project along the same lines.  I think it would be sweet to incorporate this technology in it.  Amanda, when you get back from your trip we should plan a get together and maybe a cooking session!

Other things we can't forget to do...

We cannot forget to do our cooking video!!

1) Make videos (TKAM, Color of Water, Julius Caesar)
2) Make skills based assessment aligned with video (?)

TKAM Wiki Project

I had a few ideas for the TKAM Wiki project:

Group Research Topics:
1) The Scottsboro Trials
2) Jim Crow Laws
3) Little Rock
4) Jena 6
5) Great Depression
6) Harper Lee
7) Emmit Till
8) Civil Rights Era

I think it would be a good summer project for us to write this project together. I'll start a Google Doc and we can edit the assignment over the summer. Once we finish this one, we'll be on a roll and can start some others!